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Join us for our  SUMMER VIRTUAL MIXER!

Our mixers are open to any boss babes that own their own business (big or small), inspire to be business owners or would like to support the amazing community of women in business that we have created!

The purpose of this event is to bring together like-minded women to create new connections in the Edmonton area and beyond (thanks to this being a virtual event)! Our community focus is to come together, meet, support, and learn from other boss babes.

If you’ve been to our mixers before you know they are full of connection and high energy and you can expect the same virtually!  And if you experienced our Spring Virtual Mixer you know it was a great night! 

We have some fun things planned for you so watch our social media for announcements leading up to the event!

Don't miss out on the chance to be a part of a growing community of Boss Babes, a chance at some amazing giveaways and much more!

To learn more about YEGBOSSBABES, check out our website and Instagram: